
Alex Rienzie | Contact via Instagram or LinkedIn | Linktree

During the 2020 lockdowns, I traded Long Island, NY, for Jackson, WY. Up to March 2020, I lived in Greenpoint, commuting to an office in Manhattan. As the city shuttered, I migrated to my childhood home in Suffolk County, then Jackson Hole.

Jackson adventures started with hikes and resort skiing. Things got out of hand, and now I've ski mountaineered, trad climbed, tanned an elk hide and ran a trail ultra. Each suffer-fest inspired a greater appreciation for chairlifts, sport climbs and 5Ks.

I figured I'd write some trip reports and primers as a way to (1) re-live cool adventures and (2) help future groups research and plan objectives. A few of those "absurdly detailed," as friends call them, reports by activity:

Stay tuned for more shenanigans.

Why Grizzlies & Avalanches? In northwest Wyoming, avalanches and grizzly encounters are at the top of my "yikes" list, followed by lightning and icy rocks. Plus, a grizzly riding an avalanche made for a fun site background.


Python repository to edit GPX files (e.g., smooth, reverse and simplify).

Firepit Crew: Check out my other passion project, National Park collectibles currently in Yellowstone + Glacier gift stores.


I may earn referral fees on qualifying purchases from some links in my posts, via Amazon and other platforms.

All of these activities are inherently dangerous, so take it easy and do your own research before jumping into the deep end.